Matt is a senior at Warren Wilson. He is a co-captain of the bike team and works on the Mountain Bike Crew. Matt spends his days writing, playing on his new dirt jumper, trying to train like he means it, and generally milking his final months in college for all they're worth. As a Vermonter, Matt feels obliged to say he loves muddy riding, but, really, all those sunny days and fast, dry trails in North Carolina are tugging at his heart strings.

A veteran of two of the Mountain Bike Team's infamous cross-country adventures to Nationals in New Mexico, Tally can't wait for the trip to Truckee, CA next fall. She was the team's co-captain in '08, and she'll be back next year for a stab at a National's podium in her home state. When she's not hauling logs out of the woods with Wilson's team of draft horses, working on science homework, or generally sprinting around campus like a maniac, Tally can be found with topo maps planning the weekend's Pisgah adventure.

A native or Arkansas, Linden sometimes gets a little too cozy with trailside trees, but he generally keeps the rubber side down and speeds high. Despite spending his off-seasons playing ultimate frisbee and hanging out in the Ballfield dorms, he somehow manages to show up fast for the season every fall. He is currently nursing an Omnium dream, and is looking to up his game in downhill and dual slalom next fall.
A man of many nick names, Aaron claims to not like bikes at all, but the pile of them in his living room begs to differ. Aaron's hobbies include, but are not limited to: Being attractive, reading large books with scholarly titles, rigid steel bikes, grammar, comic books and science.

Phil is the team's resident gravity guru. Though he has been trail riding for years, he just picked up racing last year, and he led the team in the downhill at Nationals. He can be spotted most days riding his BMX bike around campus while wearing funny hats and flashing the Aussie-ish smile.
Stay tuned throughout the spring, summer, and beyond for posts by the above contributers (and perhaps a few others). We'll keep you up to date on what we're up to and on the more informal happenings within the Bike Team.
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